Setting up ENS Records on 3DNS

By owning a domain on 3DNS, your domain not only functions as a web2 domain, but also functions seamlessly as a web3 domain. We'll walk you through a quick tutorial for how to setup your records.

If you haven't already, make sure that you've purchased a domain from 3DNS.

pageRegister a New Domain on a Computer with 3DNS in 5 Simple Steps

Here's a Video Overview of Adding ENS records

1. Head over to your domains tab, and click the domain you want to edit

Once you're in the domains tab, click "ENS" from the top section

2. This is what your ENS section will look like on 3DNS.

Here, you'll be able to add profile features, crypto addresses for different chains (BTC, SOL, LTC, DOGE, ATOM) and social links.

3. Now, fill out your records and click save.

4. Now sign the contract and enjoy your cheap L2 fees!

Once signed, your records will looks like this.

5. If you head over to, you'll be able to see your profile on ENS!

Last updated