
Setting Up a 3DNS Domain for Your Medium Publication: A Guide

Explore the necessary steps for successfully setting up a custom 3DNS domain for your Medium publication.

How to Set Up a Custom 3DNS Domain for Your Medium Publication


  • Before you start, ensure you meet these prerequisites:
  • Ensure you have an active Medium membership.
  • Own a 3DNS domain.
  • Ensure proxies are disabled for the domain setup.

Supported Domain Types:

  • Top-Level Domain: e.g.,
  • Subdomain: e.g.,
  • Note: Subdirectories like cannot be connected.

Step 1: Start the Setup Process

Go to your Medium homepage.

Click your profile picture, then select 'Settings'.

In the Custom Domain section, click 'None' and enter your domain name (e.g.,

Step 2: Update DNS Settings for your 3DNS Domain

Log into the 3DNS app

Find and click on the Web tab.

Select Add DNS Record under the DNS Records tab.

Add or modify the A records for your domain as follows:

Host NameRecord TypeIP Address

Note: If you are only allowed to create one A record, use the first IP address listed.

After making the necessary modifications to the DNS records, ensure you select "Add Record" to save the changes.

Step 3: Finish Connecting Your Domain

Return to the Medium settings page.

Click 'Continue', then 'Done' after adding the A records.

The verification process will begin. Your domain should start pointing to your profile or publication within three days.


CAA Records: If you have CAA records set:

Add: IN CAA 0 issue "" and IN CAA 0 issue ""

IPv6 Records: Add AAAA records if needed:

